Privacy Policy

BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd (“us”, “we”, or “NRIHelpLine”) is the author and publisher of the website, www. , mobile-optimized versions of the website, digital applications, and any other media formats for the purposes of use and promotion of www. (collectively referred to as the “Platform” or “Website”) and other products, software and services offered on the Website by NRIHelpLine. We value your privacy. In this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), we describe the information that we collect about you when you visit our website and use the services available on the Website (“Services”), and how we use and disclose that information.





In this Privacy Policy, the following definitions are used:


    1. Personal Information: Details concerning a specific person that can be identified are referred to as information about an identifiable individual.
    2. User or you: the natural person who accesses the NRIHelpLine platform.
    3. Third-Party Services: Entities external to the organization, including third-party service providers, vendor partners, affiliates, suppliers, and professionals.
    4. Third-Party Sites: A marketplace that is hosted as an independent progressive web application, featuring links to additional websites.
    5. NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.): a company incorporated in Chandigarh, India with its registered office at SCO 7, Second Floor, Sector 30, Chandigarh 160030 , INDIA.
    6. NRIHelpLine platform: The NRIHelpLine mobile application, encompassing all associated NRIHelpLine platforms, products, and services provided, which also includes our plug-ins and browser extensions.
    7. Data: Encompassed within this scope is the information you submit on the NRIHelpLine platform through the mobile application, as well as the information accessed by NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) during your visit to the NRIHelpLine platform.
    8. Cookie: A small file, commonly known as a cookie, is deposited on your computer by the NRIHelpLine platform when you visit or engage with specific features of the NRIHelpLine platform. Typically, a cookie enables the NRIHelpLine platform to retain information about your actions or preferences for a designated period.




    Your consent to this Privacy Policy is granted when you click on the ‘Sign Up’ button during the registration process on the NRIHelpLine mobile application, or when you browse on, or access, browse, and register on the NRIHelpLine platform. NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) hereby informs the user that we may disclose user information, as deemed necessary, to our affiliates and partners in India and other countries, as outlined in the Disclosure of Personal Information Clause. Such disclosure of user information is exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the services and products that the user has acquired through the NRIHelpLine platform.






    We gather personal information in three ways: directly from you, from third
    parties, and automatically when you utilize the NRIHelpLine platform.
    Information linked to your device is collected through cookies and similar
    technologies. Additionally, we may receive details about your location.



    Information You Provide Us

    We collect information that you provide us, including your account and profile information, content you submit or post to the NRIHelpLine platform, your purchase information, your communications, and information you provide to us as part of surveys and contests.
    Account and Profile Information – When you create an account on the NRIHelpLine mobile application and/or register your interest on the NRIHelpLine website, we collect the information you provide, such as your name, email address, mobile number, postal address, gender, age, profession, household income, nationality, country, and city of residence. Additionally, to effectively serve you in India, we gather specific details, including whether you possess an Aadhar Card, a PAN card, the linkage status of your Aadhar and PAN cards, the residence status of your parents in India, details of real estate owned in India and its locations, possession of an Indian mobile number, and the availability of documents serving as
    official proof of your address in India.


    Content You Submit – We collect information and content that you submit, post to, or create in the NRIHelpLine platform, including your photos, comments, reviews, searches and purchase history. 


    Purchases – If you purchase subscriptions, services and/or products, we collect certain information in order to complete your purchases, sales, and payments, such as your phone number, address, and payment method (for example, credit or debit card).



    Communications – When you communicate with us (via email, call back requests, through the NRIHelpLine platform chat, or otherwise) and when you use the NRIHelpLine platform to communicate with others, we may record, monitor, or otherwise collect details about your communications (including call time, and call duration). We will obtain your consent in accordance with applicable law before recording or monitoring any of these calls.



    Surveys and Contests – If you participate in our surveys, contests, or promotions, we will collect the information you provide to us. 



    Information from Others


    We collect information that others make available to us, including information from other platforms, publicly available information, information from other users of the NRIHelpLine platform, information from our partners, service providers, and corporate affiliates, and information from third-party sites.



    Other Platforms – We may receive information about you from third-party platforms when you grant permission to the third-party platform to share this information with us or when you allow the NRIHelpLine platform to access this information from the third party. For instance, you might register for the NRIHelpLine platform via your mobile phone, laptop, personal computer, or tablet using authentication services such as Facebook/Meta, Google, or Apple. Additionally, you may choose to upload
    your contacts from a third-party email service or utilize the NRIHelpLine platform or a third-party integration on the NRIHelpLine platform to manage your calendar on another platform or handle and send communications, such as emails or text messages.



    Publicly Available Information – We may collect information about you
    from publicly available sources and where permitted by applicable law or
    with your permission, make it available as part of the NRIHelpLine platform.
    For example, we may receive your name and contact information from
    industry associations and dealer networks in which you participate and
    display your affiliation with these organizations. We also may collect and
    display the details of any license you have using publicly available records.


    Other Users and Customers – Others may post content on the NRIHelpLine
    platform that includes information about you (for example, as part of photos
    and reviews) or provide us your information in connection with using the
    NRIHelpLine platform (e.g., participate in referral programs, and to advertise
    through the NRIHelpLine platform). However, you shall have the right to
    report abuse or request removal of any content, featuring you from the 
    NRIHelpLine platform. The NRIHelpLine team shall review your request and
    respond accordingly. In order to enhance the quality of the NRIHelpLine
    platform, third party service providers may provide us information about
    your engagement with them, including whether you have contacted them or
    responded to them.


    Our Partners and service Providers –  We may receive information about
    you from our partners and service providers. For example, our third-party
    payment gateway provider may update your payment information,
    advertising partners may help us send communications to your address,
    and third parties may help us prevent fraud by verifying your contact


    Automatically Collected Information 

    Each time you access the NRIHelpLine platform, information is sent to our
    server by your Internet browser or app and stored in our log files. We collect
    information about your use of the NRIHelpLine platform, including your
    search activity, the pages you view, the date and time of your visit, and if
    you use our browser extensions, the content you interact with on third-party
    sites and how you navigate and interact with a page or screen. We also
    collect information that your device provides to us in connection with your
    use of the NRIHelpLine platform, such as your browser type, type of device,
    browser language, IP address, mobile carrier, unique device identifier, and
    requested and referring URLs.

    Cookies and Similar Technologies


    We use cookies and similar technologies in connection with your use of the
    NRIHelpLine platform to collect information related to what you see and
    interact with on the NRIHelpLine platform and other platform access and
    use. Please see our Cookie Policy for more information on our use of cookies
    and how to accept or opt-out of cookies, but please note that unless
    required by law, we do not change system behaviour within the NRIHelpLine
    platform in response to browser requests not to be tracked.


    Location Information 

    We will receive your device’s location if you enable this through your
    browser or mobile device. We may infer your general location from your IP
    address. You may also choose to provide us your location information by
    inputting this information in the NRIHelpLine platform.


    We use the personal information we collect to provide, support, and personalize the NRIHelpLine platform and to communicate with you about the NRIHelpLine platform (on and off the NRIHelpLine platform). The ways we do this include the following:


    1. To Provide and Improve the NRIHelpLine Platform: This involves
      enhancing features and functionality, processing, storing, and
      delivering communications, providing customer service and support,
      responding to inquiries or requests, backing up systems, and
      improving platform security.
    2. To Evaluate Platform Use: We assess the use of the NRIHelpLine
      platform for business purposes and continuously strive to provide and
      enhance our products and services.
    3. Personalisation: We personalize your experience by tailoring content,
      information, and support services to align with your preferences.
    4. Advertising: Relevant advertising is displayed on the NRIHelpLine
      platform and third-party sites. We also evaluate the success of such
      advertising efforts.
    5. Feedback to Service Providers: Providing feedback to third-party
      service providers on the NRIHelpLine platform to improve services. 
    6. Communication: We use your information to communicate with you in accordance with our agreements (e.g., Terms and Conditions) or as outlined in this Privacy Policy. 
    7. Fraud Prevention: Information is utilized to prevent fraud, maintain a
      quality user experience, filter spam, and address communications
      that violate our agreements with you
    8. Legal Compliance and Proceedings: To enforce compliance with
      agreements and applicable laws, prosecute or defend legal
      proceedings, respond to lawful requests by public authorities
      (including national security or law enforcement requirements)
    9. Research and Analysis: Perform research and analysis for business
    10. Badges and Surveys: Award badges and designations and, if you
      decide to participate, administer surveys, contests, and promotions.
    11. Connected Experience: If you provide information about your
      contacts, we may inform them that you have joined the NRIHelpLine
      platform and follow them on your behalf, facilitating a more connected
      experience to view their public activities on the platform.
    We utilize your communications for quality assurance, training, and to
    enhance our products and services. This involves using your
    communications to assess and manage the quality of requests and
    responses from professionals and sellers on the NRIHelpLine platform,
    providing them with valuable feedback. 
    Automated technology is employed to review your communications,
    contributing to an improved user experience. This includes scanning
    messages for spam detection, facilitating communication improvement (e.g.,
    suggesting responses), and reviewing calls for quality control and training. 
    Your log-in information, cookie details, device information, IP addresses,
    and other relevant data are employed to identify and log your usage across
    devices, the NRIHelpLine platform, and third-party sites. This information
    helps personalize your experience on the NRIHelpLine platform.
    For your convenience, both we and our third-party payment gateway
    providers store information related to the payment method used on the
    platform. It’s important to note that while our payment processors may
    retain your complete credit card number, the NRIHelpLine platform does not
    store this sensitive information.
    Information collected for marketing purposes is strictly used for those
    purposes only. We commit not to utilize Personal Information you disclose to
    us for any purposes beyond those outlined in this policy




    One of the main purposes of asking users to register on the NRIHelpLine
    platform and create their profile is to be able to understand their
    circumstances better and serve them better. We do not rent or sell your
    personal information to third parties to use for their direct marketing
    purposes. We share personal information in the following ways:



    Third-Party Services, Third-Party Sites:



    If you purchase a subscription, service or a product on the NRIHelpLine
    platform, your personal information will be made available to those ThirdParty Services and Third-Party Sites that will be instrumental in fulfilling
    the service or deliver the product to you.

    The NRIHelpLine platform uses Third-Party Services and Third-Party Sites to
    help us operate and deliver on our core aggregator business model. We ask
    third parties to help us perform the following types of services:


    1. Service fulfilment and delivery
    2. Product sales, fulfilment and delivery
    3. Marketing services
    4. IT services
    5. fraud detection
    6. Customer Lifecycle Management
    7. Improve our services
    8. Payment Processing
    9. Telecommunications

    We also use Third-Party Services to perform the following types of services
    as explained in our Cookie Policy and as a result, they may have access to
    your personal information.


    1. Measure and understand usage of our mobile applications, website,
      and emails
    2. Advertise and measure advertising performance
    3. Credit our advertising partners for referrals
    4. Website related services

    Under certain data protection laws like the General Data Protection
    Regulation (GDPR), Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 certain thirdparty services and sites that help us operate our platform are considered
    controllers of personal data. This means they are responsible for the
    processing of your personal data (either independently or together with
    NRIHelpLine platform as a joint controller) pursuant to their respective
    privacy notices and practices. For example, these third-party services and
    sites may have an independent relationship with you or need to use your
    data to fulfill their regulatory requirements.



    Only if you specifically agree to share your contact information with a thirdparty service or third-party site, for example, as part of a contest or promotion we sponsor with such third party, will we share your contact information with that third-party partner for their direct marketing purposes.



    In addition, we may share information about you with third-party platforms
    when you allow the third-party platform to receive this information from us.
    The NRIHelpLine platform may include third-party social media features and
    other third-party plug-ins and widgets. When these features are displayed
    on our platform, they are operated or hosted by third parties and are subject
    to their own privacy policies instead of this Privacy Policy. For example, you
    may sign-up for our platform through Facebook, Google, or Apple.



    Advertisers and Ad Networks



    We collaborate with advertising networks and partners to display
    advertisements, including interest-based advertising, on third-party sites
    and to assess the efficacy of our advertising efforts. Additionally, advertising
    networks and partners may be engaged to serve ads on the NRIHelpLine
    platform and communicate with you through the contact details they have
    on file. While we may share aggregate information with advertising
    networks, advertising partners, and businesses advertising on our platform,
    we do not disclose your name, contact information, or other personal
    details, except for hashed information or device identifiers. For instance, we
    may provide a hashed version of your email address to advertising networks
    (e.g., Facebook and Google) for the purpose of serving advertisements. If you
    wish to opt-out of the use of your information for this purpose, please send
    a request to



    Both we and the businesses advertising on the NRIHelpLine platform, as
    well as advertising networks and partners, may employ cookies or similar
    technologies to monitor your activities on our platform and other online
    properties. This allows us to provide personalized ads across various
    websites, apps, and devices and to assess the performance of these ads. To
    understand how to opt-out of receiving this type of advertising, please refer
    to our Cookie Policy.



    Corporate Affiliates and Business Transfers



    We may share information from or about you with (a) joint ventures or other
    companies’ part of the NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) or (b) a
    potential or actual acquirer, successor, or assignee as part of any
    reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other
    disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets, or stock (including
    in bankruptcy or similar proceedings). In these cases, their use will be
    subject to this Privacy Policy.



    Legal Obligations



    We may disclose information from or about you, as required or permitted by
    applicable law, if we believe that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to
    (a) comply with legal process and law enforcement instructions and orders,
    such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, judicial proceeding, or other
    legal process served on us, a service provider, or a partner (which may
    include disclosure to law enforcement, courts, or governmental authorities);
    (b) prevent, investigate, or identify possible wrongdoing in connection with
    our Platform; (c) protect our rights, reputation, property, or that of our
    visitors, users, corporate affiliates, or the public; or (d) enforce compliance
    with our agreements with you.



    Other disclosures



    We may share your personal data with:


    1. NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) affiliates and third
      parties located in India and other countries to assist them to reach
      out to you in relation to their programs or campaigns (including
      marketing and sales) and to process your query/requests
    2. Our employees, vendors, agents and professional advisors working on
      our behalf and
    3. Service-providers who assist in protecting and securing our systems
      including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or
      networks and provide services to us which require the processing of
      personal data, such as to host your information or to process your
      information for data profiling and user analysis.




    When you create an account on the NRIHelpLine platform, a fundamental
    aspect of our service involves communicating with you through various
    channels such as email, SMS, WhatsApp, and our platform. If you utilize
    our mobile app or website or provide your cell phone number, these
    communications may also include text messages and push notifications. We
    use these channels to relay information about your account, privacy, and
    interactions. Additionally, we may seek your feedback on your experience
    with our platform.



    In compliance with applicable laws, we may send you marketing
    communications, which could include tips, offers, and similar services from
    NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.). These communications may
    feature NRIHelpLine, co-branded products and services, professionals,
    sellers, and other businesses on our platform.



    If you provide us with your phone number, we may contact you to better
    understand your needs. You have the flexibility to adjust your
    communication preferences at any time through the NRIHelpLine mobile
    app settings. Furthermore, opting out of marketing emails can be done
    directly by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ button within the email.
    To opt-out of receiving text messages, you can follow the instructions
    provided in the text message, typically involving replying with “STOP.” If you
    wish to opt-out of sales and marketing phone calls, you can communicate
    your preference during the call or contact us at
    It’s important to note that you cannot opt-out of receiving account and
    privacy-related messages. If you no longer want to receive push
    notifications, you can disable them for the mobile application in your mobile
    device settings.






    We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise
    their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection
    laws. We may ask you to verify your identity in order to help us respond to
    your request securely and efficiently.



    Even where not legally required, we will use reasonable efforts to complete
    requests to access or delete your personal information.



    To request permanent deletion of your personal information, please contact
    us at



    To edit your personal information, you can manage your profile on the
    NRIHelpLine mobile app. You may also contact us about correcting or
    updating your personal information (including your marketing preferences)
    by emailing us at We will consider your request
    in accordance with applicable laws.






    You have the option to deactivate your nrihelpline mobile app account at
    any time by accessing the mobile app settings. Upon deactivation, you will
    cease to provide ongoing or future data associated with your account.
    Although your nrihelpline platform profile will no longer be accessible,
    certain content such as photos, reviews, and other materials may still be
    available through our platform.



    If you wish to request the permanent deletion of the personal information
    linked to your account, please contact us by sending an email to



    We will retain your personal information only for the duration necessary to
    fulfill the purposes for which we process it, unless the law allows or
    mandates the retention of your information for an extended period. For
    instance, we may need to keep your personal data for quality assurance
    purposes or to address potential legal claims. Additionally, de-identified
    information may be retained even after your account has been deleted.



    It’s essential to note that information you have shared with others will
    remain visible even after deactivation or deletion, and after it has been
    removed from your profile or account. We do not have control over
    information or content that others have copied from our platform. Please be
    aware that copies of information you’ve updated, modified, or deleted may
    persist in our systems for a certain period, and we may maintain these
    copies as part of our business records.






    The NRIHelpLine platform is intended for general audiences and is not
    directed to individuals under 18 years of age. We do not knowingly collect
    personal information from individuals under 18. In the event that we learn
    that we have collected personal information from a child under age 18, we
    will take appropriate steps to delete that information. If you become aware
    or believe that a child has provided us with personal information, please
    contact us on






    We employ reasonable and appropriate measures to safeguard your personal
    information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure,
    alteration, and destruction. Our security measures are designed by
    considering the inherent risks associated with the processing of personal
    information and the nature of the data involved.






    We reserve the right to revise this privacy policy periodically. The latest
    version of our privacy policy will dictate the utilization of information about
    you. In the event of substantial modifications to our privacy policy, we will
    notify you via email, through a notice on the nrihelpline platform, or by
    other means. This notification will provide you with an opportunity to review
    the changes before they come into effect. Your continued access or use of
    our platform following the implementation of these changes implies your
    acceptance and adherence to the updated privacy policy.






    In line with the GDPR, DPDP Act and other major data protection laws
    around the world, NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) shall have in
    place a permanent Data Protection Officer, at all times.



    Inter alia, the Data Protection Officer shall have the following tasks, for and
    on behalf of NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.):


    1. Informing Controllers and Data Subjects: The DPO is responsible
      for ensuring that both controllers (those determining the purposes
      and means of processing personal data) and data subjects (individuals
      whose data is processed) are informed about their data protection
      rights, obligations, and responsibilities.
    2. Maintaining Register/s of Processing operations: The DPO is
      tasked with creating and maintaining registers of processing
      operations within the organization. Additionally, they may be required
      to notify the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) or another
      competent body about processing operations that present specific
      risks (prior checks).
    3. Ensuring Data Protection Compliance: The DPO plays a crucial role
      in ensuring overall data protection compliance within the
      organization. This involves helping the entity become accountable for
      its data processing activities.
    4. Handling Queries or Complaints: The DPO is responsible for
      handling queries or complaints related to data protection. This
      includes responding to requests from the institution, controllers, or
      other individuals.
    5. Cooperating with the EDPS or Competent Bodies: The DPO is
      expected to cooperate with the EDPS or other competent bodies as
      required. This cooperation may involve responding to requests,
      participating in investigations, and facilitating inspections conducted
      by regulatory authorities.
    6. Monitoring and Drawing Attention to Non-Compliance: The DPO
      monitors data protection compliance within the organization and
      brings attention to any failures to comply with applicable data
      protection rules. 

    This proactive role helps in identifying and addressing potential issues.The
    Data Protection Officer of NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.), may
    be reached, by email, at the following address:






    This Cookie Policy explains how NRIHelpLine (BraveHeart Solutions Pvt.
    Ltd.), uses cookies and similar technologies. It explains what these
    technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our
    use of them. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about how
    we treat personal information. To learn more about our use of interest-based
    advertising and your choices, please see the “Non-Essential” Cookies section



    What is a cookie?



    A cookie, a small data file, is placed on your device during your website visit.
    These cookies play a crucial role in optimizing website functionality,
    enhancing efficiency, and providing reporting information. Unique identifiers
    may be associated with a cookie, and it can be located on your device, in
    emails sent by us, on the platform, and on third-party sites employing our
    plug-ins, widgets, embedded content, and pixels.



    Cookies initiated by us are termed “first-party cookies,” while those
    established by entities other than us are known as “third-party cookies.”
    Third-party cookies enable additional features or functionalities provided by
    external parties in association with the platform, including advertising,
    interactive features, and analytics. The entities responsible for these third-
    party cookies can identify your device when it interacts with our website and
    other specified websites.



    Beyond cookies, we may utilize analogous technologies like pixels, local
    storage, and software development kits (SDKs). In this Cookie Policy, these
    technologies are generally referred to as “cookies.”



    Why do we use cookies?



    We employ both first-party and third-party cookies for various purposes.
    Some are essential for technical reasons, ensuring the proper operation of
    our platform. Others enhance your experience on our platform by
    remembering certain activities, including interactions with our plug-ins,
    widgets, and embedded content. Additionally, certain cookies facilitate more
    targeted advertising and improved analytics.



    Essential Cookies:



    Some cookies are required for the platform to operate, for example, in the
    following ways:

    1. To identify you as being logged into the platform
    2. To make sure you connect to the right service on our platform when we make any changes to the way the platform works
    3. Adding purchases to your basket and remembering the products you
      have added
    4. Remembering when you have added a photo to your profile
    5. Remembering settings, you have applied, such as layout, text size,
      preferences, and colors
    6. Generating statistics on how the platform is used for our exclusive
      interest in order to measure the audience and to improve the Platform.

    13. GENERAL



    If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this privacy
    policy (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that
    provision or part-provision will, to the extent required, be deemed to be
    deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this
    privacy policy will not be affected.



    Last updated – 27 December, 2023

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